Why is Putin still alive?
No, seriously-why is this murdering Russian bastard STILL alive? He has already proven himself a terrorist and has now cemented a Jr. Hitler status by the mass graves and atrocities in Bucha and beyond.
What more does Putin need to do to prove he’s a terrorist? He’s a murderer and he will kill without any compunction-and please DON’T be near any fucking windows because I can’t even remember how many people have just fallen out of windows or off balconies-ALL at kill-a-MF altitudes; that’s NOT normal or either Russians are some really clumsy fuckers who just fall out of windows and off balconies whenever — but Putin gets away with it-every fucking time!
He has poisoned people consistently w/Novichok: the Skripals, a father and a daughter in the UK; Alexei Navalny’s Novichok poisoning was revealed by Germany-where he went to heal before returning back to Russia — where he’s now jailed for no reason and Putin has poisoned Vladimir Kara-Murza several times--all of
which thankfully, Kara-Murza has survived!
Putin has poisoned, jailed, and KILLED his political opponents or whoever he doesn’t like or feels opposes him or his agenda— now, he has started an UNPROVOKED WAR in Ukraine — where he has been slaughtering citizens indiscriminately and Russian soldiers have recently been reported to have participated in torturing, RAPING and KILLING CHILDREN-all under Putin’s watch and command —
so why is Putin STILL fucking breathing??
Too White to kill? He’s a terrorist in mental decline (a madman) with nostalgic fairy tale fantasies of a long buried communist empire; and for some unknown unseen reason people still try to talk and reason with this son of a bitch, as if he is in a healthy mindset and he’s not--why are you trying to negotiate with a madman who’s threatening to use nuclear weapons? Obviously, he has them — if he uses them then what? Even the most brilliant of brilliant war generals would know when to pull back-but he doesn’t — there’s absolutely ZERO strategy to this shit he just wants to knock shit down and kill people-and he’s being allowed to do it!
THIS, is the sticking point that I just can’t seem to overcome: Afghanistan was NEVER a democracy and it STILL isn’t; it’s government fell to the Taliban as soon as U.S. troops were pulled out; so if we had troops in Afghanistan for almost 20 years and spent almost 3 TRILLION dollars in Afghanistan, that has never been a democracy--why in the absolute fuck haven’t we sent troops to Ukraine-that IS a democracy and wants to REMAIN a democracy? America…we’re supposed to be a democracy-why aren’t our troops going to help save a democracy? I can’t get that at all figured out; why the hell we would be in Afghanistan that’s never been a democracy but the ACTUAL democracy--we’re NOT going there at all…? Anyone that can explain that shit to me-and make it make sense, please have at it!
Returning to my opening point, why is Putin still alive? I kinda' don’t want to hear shit about America doesn’t do that(killing heads of countries)-because WE ABSOLUTELY fuckin’ DO-DO THAT — and there’s some heads of countries who would beg to FUCKIN' differ like: Saddam Hussein; NATO tried to take out Muammar Gaddafi during an air strike but missed him and killed his son and some of his grandchildren instead. So, MISS ME entirely with WE don’t do that because AMERICA loves to go to Black/Brown countries and kill people-then, return to America and brag about it.
WE chased OSAMA BIN LADEN clear across the goddamn world to find this raggedy motherfucker in a cave.
America BOASTED ABOUT THAT KILLING, rightfully so, but don’t tell me about what the fuck America won’t do--
Bin Laden=Terrorist — Putin=Terrorist!?
So since Putin has NO strategy-exactly how much longer will this shit go on? He can literally try to stretch this war out for YEARS and what would that mean for Americans? That we continue to foot this bill in the billions, hundreds of millions and MORE billions until when…until Putin’s tired?
The devil is a LIE!
THAT, too is something I have a very big effing problem with. There’s ALWAYS money for wars and to go destroy shit but there’s never any money it seems for people who need it RIGHT NOW! WHY is that? There’s no money to help build up the fucking country and build Americans up--but there’s always money for war and Defense budgets!
Nobody’s coming to attack America--who the fuck is coming to attack America? Show yourself... crickets=NOBODY! So, why continue to pour millions and billions of dollars into a Defense budget when most of those funds can be allocated to be used elsewhere?
The math ain’t MATHIN’!
If we let the government tell the story-America can seem to do every damn thing EXCEPT take care of Americans with their own money nonetheless. I’ve never said don’t send money or weapons to Ukraine — I say send them all the fucking weapons they can handle-but not at the expense of Americans; we are suffering, many of us with these INFLATED PRICES on errthang-so ANY money that you send OUT of this fucking country — make sure you MATCH that with the money you distribute IN this fucking country!
Really simple.
So the lingering question is: how long is Putin going to be allowed to continue with this unprovoked war, unprovoked massacres WITHOUT any accountability and how long will Americans have to foot the bill instead of sending troops to do what needs to be done; END THIS WAR and END PUTIN if necessary!
It’s a very simple equation:
Putin & his troops
+ Ukrainian soldiers
+ U.S. weaponry & troops
Putin LOSES the war, Ukraine reclaims any territories Russian claimed or annexed including Crimea; Ukraine starts rebuilding their country hopefully, on Putin’s seized oligarchy funds and properties.
The End.
Sidebar Observation: The Ukrainian peoples’ solidarity & intense resolve to fight for their country and their democracy is beyond admirable…it is to be emulated & replicated. President Zelenskyy, personally, I am in awe of your courageous leadership and the fight of the Ukrainian people. May peace find and keep you and ALL of Ukraine--you WILL PREVAIL as the righteous.
Slava Ukraini!